Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr College
101 North Merion Ave
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899
Phone: (610) 526-5000
About Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr is one of the world's most distinctive, distinguished colleges. Every year 1,300 undergraduate women and 400 graduate students from around the world gather on the College's historic campus to study with leading scholars, conduct advanced research, and expand the boundaries of what's possible.
A Bryn Mawr woman is defined by a rare combination of personal characteristics:
* An intense intellectual commitment
* A purposeful vision of her life
* A desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world.
These attributes create a spirit that is palpable on campus. It is visible, too, in the lives of Bryn Mawr alumnae, women who have become leaders in a wide range of fields, including those in which women are traditionally underrepresented.
We hope that this energy is tangible in these Web pages, and we encourage you to come to campus and experience it for yourself. It is what makes us proud to be Bryn Mawr.
Copyright © 2010 Bryn Mawr College
