3075 Terwood Rd.
Willow Grove, PA 19090
215-784-4800 / 215-784-4801 (fax)
Eastern Center for Arts and Technology is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The campus is located in Willow Grove and the school is owned by nine school districts in Eastern Montgomery County. They include Abington, Bryn Athyn, Cheltenham, Hatboro Horsham, Jenkintown, Lower Moreland, Springfield, Upper Dublin and Upper Moreland.
High School
Programs taken at EASTERN are considered part of the high school program and count as elective credit toward graduation. They give students the opportunity to reinforce their career path after high school, get a head start on collegiate studies in that field and get ready for employment. Most of the career programs offer advanced placement college credit or dual enrollment opportunities for students continuing their education after high school in similar majors.
Middle School
The popular three-week Summer Fun Learning program is open to students entering grades 8, 9 and 10. The classes offer an enriching experience in an applied learning setting. The goal is for students to get personal experiences and an understanding of some of the skills needed in the class they selected.
Adult and Continuing Education
A variety of career focused, certification and apprenticeship classes are offered for adult learners. On-line enrichment and technical classes are also available. Local businesses can take advantage of our contracted training programs which can be taught on our campus or at the company site.
Practical Nursing
Our popular Practical Nursing classes are available during the day on a one-year full-time basis or at night in a two-year part-time format. Classes meet on our campus or at satellite locations. Our program is accredited by the National League for Nursing and is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing.
