Gratz College
Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose Park, PA 19027 USA
Toll-free in the USA: 800.475.4635
Voice: 215.635.7300
Fax: 215.635.1046
About Gratz College
Gratz College, through its four divisions -- the Division of Graduate and Under-graduate Studies, the Samuel Netzky Division of Continuing Education, the Jewish Community High School and the Tuttleman Library -- promotes a vital, creative and growing community of higher learning, whose members become more knowledgeable in the tradition and culture of the Jewish people and in the Hebrew Language, who attain the requisite professional skills for management and leadership, and who become appreciative of a variety of perspectives. To do so, Gratz College provides professional training and high quality academic and cultural programs of Jewish studies to local, national and international constituencies.
In addition to its offerings in Jewish scholarship and professions, Gratz College offers a a Master of Arts in Education, providing advanced training and credentials to hundreds of certified teachers in public and private schools.
Gratz College offers a wide variety of programs of excellence at the undergraduate, graduate professional, specialized certificate, diploma, continuing education, and pre-collegiate levels. Additional outreach programs, such as conferences, lectures, concerts, publication, exhibits, etc., promote Jewish culture in the community at large, through the dedicated efforts of its Netzky Division.
The primary teaching function of the College is supported and facilitated by the Tuttleman Jewish Public Library and resource centers, including its specialized collections. The library also serves as the defacto Jewish “public library†of Philadelphia.
Gratz College collaborates with other leading academic institutions to offer the following approved and accredited joint programs:
* M.A. and Pennsylvania State Certification in Early Childhood Education at Chestnut Hill College
* M.B.A. with Temple University’s Fox School of Business
* M.S.W. with University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Work
* Cantorial Investiture with the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
* Ph.D. in American Jewish History with Temple University’s Department of History
Gratz College, a place to learn, study, question and grow.
Gratz College – Transforming Education.
© 2005-2010 Gratz College
