Millersville University
Millersville University
1 South George St
Millersville, PA 17551
University Information: (717) 872-3011
Millersville University provides an educational opportunity second to none.
Millersville University is the best choice for people of Pennsylvania and beyond who are motivated to apply their native intelligence and a world-class education to the challenging and important work of guiding themselves, their families and their communities through times of changing opportunity. The men and women of the Millersville University faculty are scholars highly respected in their fields; approachable teachers and active mentors who engage their students in the classroom, the office, the research lab, and in the life of the campus. The faculty is thoroughly supported in its work by the men and women of the Millersville University staff and leadership team -- caring people of competence and integrity who share with their faculty partners a determination that Millersville graduates shall be as prepared to lead robust intellectual, professional and civic lives as the graduates of any of the nation's best known institutions.
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