New Castle School Of Trades
New CastleSchool of Trades
4164 US 422
Pulaski, PA 16143
Looking For The Best Tech Schools Ohio-PA Has To Offer? Learn More About The New Castle Tech School Here!
We realize that when it comes to Tech Schools, Ohio-PA and surrounding areas like Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, offer several to choose from. So why should you choose the New Castle School of Trades Tech School?
Because we are 100% dedicated to your success. Because we understand that investing in people makes all the difference. With education, skill enhancements and career training in some of the top technical fields, we can help you live your best life right now.
Graduation from Ohio-PA Tech School - New Castle Schools of Trades
We are dedicated to the principle that your vocational training should be about you!
Our close-knit community makes it easier for you to succeed in your career because we understand your needs and career goals. Experienced instructors challenge you to develop personal responsibility and practical work skills in a hands-on format. New Castle School of Trades' students find out first-hand that people make the difference.
But the #1 reason you should choose New Castle over other Tech Schools Ohio-PA is because we will make a positive difference in your life. Just like we have for thousands of other students just like you.
