Penn View Bible Institute
Penn View Bible Institute
125 Penn View Drive
Penns Creek, PA 17862-0970
Phone: 570.837.1855
Fax: 570.837.1865
Rev. John Zechman
About Penn View Bible Institute
Following God's will is critical for every Christian. The dilemma many young people face is finding His will in the first place. Life does not come with a packet of instructions, schematic diagrams, and drawings which guide you from Step 1 to Step 2 and so on until the end. No, the Christian life is a walk which combines direction found in the Scriptures, guidance by the Holy Spirt, wisdom shared by godly role models, influence by childhood upbringing, and other variables which the Lord uses to unfold His will for our lives.
For over forty years, Penn View has been a place used by the Lord to help many, many young people find His will for their lives. Our campus has been a place of spiritual nurturing and development for those sincerely desiring to follow Him.
Our administrators, faculty, and staff have a concern for young people. We are interested in seeing people like you grow in the Lord and follow His will for your life. On our campus, we emphasize spiritual growth along with academic development. The Lord wants us to utilize the strength of our minds for His honor and glory. He wants us to think through the issues of our time and show the relevancy of the Scriptures to our contemporary society.
In summary, here at Penn View we develop the heart as well as the mind. We want you to be thoroughly Christian, possessing a biblical world view as you impact our culture and other cultures with the authority of God's Word.
Come to Penn View and see how you can grow, develop, and make a difference in this world...for the glory of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! You will never be the same!
John W. Zechman,
President of PVBI
© 2009 PVBI : Penn View Bible Institute : Penns Creek, PA
