Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
616 N. Highland Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Since 1794, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary has nurtured men and women in their faith in God, while preparing them to proclaim with great joy God's message of good news in both word and deed! Located in the heartland of Presbyterianism, we are affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Our community is ecumenically minded, however, with more than 20 denominations represented in our student body.
On a dynamic and challenging global stage
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary plays its part in
God's redemption of the world through Jesus Christ
By preparing leaders who proclaim with great joy
God's message of good news in both word and deed!
The question is not what are we doing on this 13 acre campus, but what is God doing out there in the world and how can we be a part of it. With God as author and director, Christ as protagonist and the Holy Spirit as prompter, we participate in the great drama of salvation history by preparing
Pastor-theologians and joyful communicators of the Word who are
* Inspired by and enthusiastic about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which points to the One who is the center of our lives and the center of the Church;
* Engaging preachers and teachers who interpret both sacred texts and contemporary contexts, and have the audacity to preach with joy amidst a broken and hurting world—theologians-in-residence who understand history and the constantly changing culture in which we live;
* Perceptive spiritual directors who "equip the saints" for ministry by helping people discern their gifts through worship and education, and helping them see that true joy is no stranger to pain so that, moved by the Holy Spirit, they can say with confidence, "I care therefore I am";
* Life-long learners who continue seeking wisdom and modeling the faith knowing that the front line of ministry is not the church building but wherever the people live, work, study and play "glorifying God and enjoying God forever";
* Mission-minded advocates who delight in both evangelism and social justice ministries, which are neither conservative nor liberal because Jesus never labeled them that way since both represent the Gospel as in the Luke-Acts tradition;
* Wise leaders who demonstrate with integrity how to build joyful communities by creating with God's help positive, happy and healthy cultures where people "speak the truth in love" and understand that real friendship in Christ means having the right to disagree knowing that mutual respect and affection are not at stake;
* Responsible stewards who know how to raise and manage resources while encouraging people to be "cheerful givers."
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary—we are more than stately buildings and nice classrooms nestled in an urban setting of pathos and hope. "Surprised by joy," we are a transient community of scholars and learners who rejoice at the opportunity to share in God's redemptive work in the world. We prepare students of the Word who, called by God, committed to Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, bear witness to the joy of the Gospel. We join the Church through the ages in affirming Christ as Savior and Lord and, following his ancient commission that is new every morning, our graduates and program participants proclaim with great gladness God's grace-filled message of healing and shalom. To God be the glory!
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The Seminary admits qualified students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin, and without regard to age, handicap, or gender.
© 2010 Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
