Reading Hospital and Medical Center - School of Clinical Laboratory Science
Reading Hospital and Medical Center - School of Clinical Laboratory Science
Deborah Evans—Program Director
K Building, Room 3922
P.O. Box 16052
Reading, PA 19612-6052
Phone: 610-988-5951
School of Clinical Laboratory Science
The clinical laboratory is an integral part of the healthcare field, providing physicians with critical information for patient diagnosis and treatment. Clinical lab personnel do important work, and their services are in demand.
For 75 years, the School of Clinical Laboratory Science has educated individuals to be leaders in this field. Students develop a professional attitude, a solid foundation in related scientific principles, proficiency in the performance of laboratory procedures, and the skills necessary to take on the professional role of healthcare practitioner.
The School is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 8410 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 670, Chicago, IL 60631; phone 773-714-8880.
The Department of Laboratory Services
The Department of Laboratory Services, one of the largest clinical laboratories in the state, is an integral part of The Reading Hospital. The staff of clinical laboratory scientists and technicians performs nearly 4 million tests annually to provide physicians with information helpful in diagnosing and treating patients.
The expertise of ten pathologists, four pathologist assistants, specially trained department supervisors, a Medical Director, and an Administrative Director provide professional support and perspective.
The Laboratory includes the following sections: Urinalysis, Hematology, Coagulation, Microbiology, Immunology/Serology, Chemistry, Blood Bank, Surgical Pathology, Cytology, Phlebotomy, Central Receiving, and Point of Care Testing.
Copyright © 2010 The Reading Hospital and Medical Center
