Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
7418 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15208-2594
Toll Free 866-778-7338
President's Message
Welcome to the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary Website, a site designed to give you an understanding of, and appreciation for, the training of pastors and other Christian leaders at this historic educational institution.
The Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary (RPTS) is a special place for many reasons. Among other things, all of our professors have significant pastoral experience. They have ministered in the church. And they continue to serve in churches as members of sessions and presbyteries, and providing regular pulpit supply. Classes are therefore taught from the perspective of pastors, not mere academicians, and we believe this is a significant advantage to students preparing for real life ministry.
The Seminary is, without apology, committed to the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. We take seriously the awesome privilege and responsibility of proclaiming the historic Reformed faith with a special emphasis on the mediatorial Kingship of Christ over all of life.
Enjoy your exploration of the Seminary through this website. If you are interested in theological education, please prayerfully consider us. I also invite you to visit our campus so that you can experience for yourself the unique ways in which the Spirit of God is blessing us as we train pastors for the ministry of the Gospel and other disciples of Christ for effective service in His Kingdom.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Jerry F. O'Neill
©2010 - Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
