Shippensburg University
Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive
Shippensburg, PA 17257 -
(717) 477-7447
Welcome to Shippensburg University
Welcome to the Shippensburg University web site. We appreciate that you are taking time to visit our “virtual home†and are sharing your time with us. As you look throughout our site, please note the many opportunities Shippensburg offers its students — and the many successes they have achieved, both inside and outside the classroom.
We are justifiably proud of the campus family and that pride is reflected in the many Ship “stories†you will see on the site. Among the many successes are:
* We are recognized by several national publications for our educational quality and support of students. U.S. News and World Report again ranked Ship among the best colleges and universities in the North in its book “Best Colleges 2011.†In the annual rankings, Shippensburg is tied for 77th among all institutions in the region and is the 21st ranked public university in the region. We are justifiably proud of these rankings as they reflect what we and our students know — Ship is a great place to learn.
* G.I. Jobs Magazine honored the university by naming Ship as a “Military Friendly School†for 2011. The brave men and women who serve our nation during these challenging times deserve our support and we’re proud we can offer the support they have earned by protecting our nation.
* Our Academic Master Plan continues to evolve as we seek to continue to provide programs of excellence that are nationally recognized for quality and meet the ever-changing needs of our students and the Commonwealth and its citizens who support us.
* The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) reaffirmed our bachelor of social work program accreditation for eight years, based on various criteria including review of a self-study by the Social Work department as well as a site visit by representatives of the Council. This approval signifies that our program meets rigorous national standards and ensures that students receive an education that will enable them to meet their professional goals.
* Our renovation and construction projects continue to improve our facilities. That work includes the renovation of and expansion of both Huber Art Center and the Ceddia Union Building. We are also reviewing the initial plans for construction of all new residence halls, and the plans are impressive. We plan to start that work next spring with the first new hall to open by Fall 2012.
* The H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center remains what we feel is the premier cultural arts facility in the region. It attracts acts from around the world who perform to a sold-out theater. I encourage you to visit to see the schedule and invite you to attend one of the many outstanding performances.
We have many reasons Ship is a special place, but all of them center on our efforts to provide students with the support and resources they need to reach their personal and academic dreams. While our website provides one perspective on the university, the best way to learn about us is to visit and experience the Ship spirit. This is a great place for great futures to start. Best wishes and I hope to see you soon.
Bill Ruud signature
William N. Ruud, Ph.D.
Shippensburg University
1871 Old Main Drive
Shippensburg, PA 17257
