Trinity Episcopal School For Ministry
Trinity Episcopal School For Ministry
311 Eleventh St.
Ambridge, PA 15003
1-800-874-8754 or 724-266-3838
About Trinity
Dear Friend,
Welcome to the Trinity School for Ministry website. I hope it will give you a clear overview of the School and answer any questions you might have.
You will find articles here about our faith, our history, and our values, and about all aspects of the life of this evangelical Anglican seminary. You can also learn about our excellent faculty and read samples of their writing, listen to their sermons or learn about them and the whole School from the videos of our campus community.
Trinity School for Ministry is an evangelical seminary in the Anglican tradition. We welcome students from all three streams of orthodox Anglicanism: evangelical, charismatic and Anglo-Catholic, as well as members of other denominations.
Our purpose is to form Christian leaders for mission, and we do so for the Anglican Church of North America, The Episcopal Church, and all who seek evangelical Anglican formation for service in this country or overseas. And this is not for ordained ministry only, but also children and youth workers, worship leaders, evangelists, church-planters, catechists, those preparing for overseas mission and many others. As you can imagine, this makes Trinity a very vibrant and exciting place to be.
I hope you will find your visit to this website a source of inspiration and that I shall have the privilege of welcoming you to the campus or having you join our community for online classes at some point in the future.
With every blessing in Christ Jesus,
Justyn Terry
Dean and President
Unless otherwise noted, all content is © Trinity School for Ministry
