WON Institute
WON Institute
137 S. Easton Road
Glenside, PA 19038
Tel: 215.884.8942
Fax: 215.884.9002
Ancient Eastern Healing Practices
in an American Setting
The Won Institute is unique in its attempt to bring ancient Eastern healing and spirituality practices that focus the mind, heal the body, and cultivate the spirit into an American academic setting.
The mission of the Won Institute of Graduate Studies is to provide quality graduate-level professional education and training in the practical applications of spirituality and the healing arts for the well-being of individuals and society. It is guided by the conviction that meditation is essential to spiritual cultivation, and that spiritual cultivation is necessary to balance material and technological advances.
Our vision is
To create an institution of excellence in teaching, learning and research. The Won Institue is founded on the principles of Won Buddhism and within the culture of Won Buddhism, the word 'spiritual' is a specialized term that expresses the calm, clear awareness of the awakened human mind. In practical terms, spiritual development manifests as mindfulness, wisdom, compassion, and other such qualities as appropriate to each study area: Acupuncture Studies from a health and healing perspective; Applied Meditation Studies from an experiential meditative perespective; and Won Buddhist Studies from an ecumenical religious perspective.
To develop as a center in the United States for education and research in Won Buddhist Studies (WBS), preparing students for: Won Buddhist service in the English-speaking world; translating and adapting texts, rituals and practices for use in the West; and advancing scholarship on Asian religions entering Western culture.
To develop as a center for education and research in the application of meditative and contemplative practices for healthcare, organizational change and development, social engagement, and spiritual direction.
To educate students to become qualified acupuncture practitioners who are grounded in a holistic model of healing that includes the ability to diagnose and treat patients using diverse acupuncture techniques and traditions, integrated with compassion, spiritual awareness, and an understanding of meditation techniques.
To pursue an institutional environment committed to excellence with empasis on continual assessment and the integration of assessment results into Institute policies and practices; to pursue institutional and financial stability and growth through a commitment to excellence in stewardship by pursuing improvements in infrastructure; to promote local, national, and international awareness and recognition of its mission and achievements.
In the spirit of creating a unique learning environment, our academic community includes students who focus on all aspects of the whole person: mind, body and spirit. Some students are here to become Won Buddhist ministers (kyomu) and spiritual lay leaders. They bring a sense of the importance of spiritual guidance. Some students are here to become teachers and users of meditation. This includes social workers, teachers, psychologists, and other professionals who are here to learn how to apply meditative techniques to their professional practice. Some students are here to become healers. These are students wishing to become acupuncturists, who also realize that meditation is an integral component in the healing process.
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